Please find below the instructions for submitting the final version of your IUTAM paper. Given the quality of the papers at the conference, we are expecting an excellent conference book and we look forward to your contributions.


The Symposium Proceedings will be published as a hard cover book by Springer in the IUTAM Series. As agreed at the closing meeting of the symposium, each participant is kindly requested to prepare a final version of their manuscript for the Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium.

If at all possible please use LATEX. WORD is acceptable, but all WORD manuscripts will be converted to LATEX by the local organising committee for the final version of the Proceedings and it certainly may lead to some errors and inaccuracies. The paper length should not exceed 14 pages since the agreed volume of the Proceedings is under 500 pages. You will recall that the format instructions are given here:

Please note that you should prepare your paper using the Springer guidelines for a chapter of a book.

The target for submitting the final version is August 31, or as soon after as feasibly possible (apologies for the relatively short notice, but we are anticipating that most papers will require fairly minor amendments to the version presented at the conference). Please send not only your TEX file and figures but also a pdf file of your contribution for control of compilation. Once the whole book is compiled, each contributor receives galley-proofs of the paper for control.

Please send your manuscripts to: