to be held at Hotel St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, Russia
June 24-27, 1996

Call for Papers & Registration Form

Sponsored by:
The International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration
The Baltic State Technical University

in cooperation with the following professional societies:

Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Acoustical Society
Czech Acoustical Society
Schweizererische Gesellschaft fur Akustik
Acoustical Society of India
International Association Against Noise
Acoustical Society of Korea
The Southern African Acoustics Institute

General Chairman:

Professor Nikolay I. Ivanov, St. Petersburg, Russia Scientific Chairman:
Professor Alexey S. Nikiforov, St. Petersburg, Russia Programme Chairman:
Professor Malcolm J. Crocker, Auburn, USA

Scientific Committee:

Adnan Akay, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Simon G. Braun, Haifa, Israel
Nickolay A. Dubrovsky, Moscow, Russia
Zbignew Engel, Krakow, Poland
J. L. Guyader, Villeurbanne, France
Colin Hansen, Adelaide, Australia
Hanno Heller, Braunschweig, Germany
Keng D. Hsueh, Dearborn, MI, USA
Gerhard H. Hubner, Berlin, Germany
Finn Jacobsen, Lyngby, Denmark
Govindappa Krishnappa, Ottawa, Canada
Conny Larsson, Uppsala, Sweden
Sir James Lighthill, London, England
Leonid Lyamshev, Moscow, Russia
Gideon Maidanik, Bethesda, MD, USA
M. Moeser, Berlin, Germany
Anatoly G. Munin, Moscow, Russia
M. L. Munjal, Bangalore, India
Michael P. Norton, Nedlands, Australia
Geogy L. Osipov, Moscow, Russia
M. G. Prasad, Hoboken, NJ, USA
Kari Pesonen, Helsinki, Finland
P. K. Raju, Auburn, AL, USA
Michael S. Sedov, N. Novgorod, Russia
Vladimir N. Uskov, St. Petersburg, Russia
Jan W. Verheij, Delft, The Netherlands


The Fourth Congress follows previous congresses held in the USA and Canada in 1990, 1992, and 1994. Several hundred people attended each previous congress. The Congress programme will include keynote addresses and invited and contributed papers in specialized areas of sound and vibration. There will be several keynote speakers including:
1. Leonid M. Lyamshev, Andreev Institute, Russia on Fractals in Acoustics
2. Sir James Lighthill, University College London, England on Advances in Interpreting Hearing Sensitivity
3. Michael Moeser, Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany on Active Noise Cancellation
4. Jan W. Verheij, TNO, The Netherlands on Source Characterization and Propagation of Machinery Noise
5. Alexey S. Nikiforov, Krylov Shipbuilding Institute, Russia on Development of Energy Methods for the Calculation of the Vibration of Engineering Constructions
6. Colin H. Hansen, the University of Adelaide, Australia on Application of Genetic Algorithms for Active Vibration Control

CONTRIBUTED PAPERS covering theoretical and experimental research in the following areas are solicited:
1. Aeroacoustics and Atmospheric Sound;
2. Boundary Element Methods;
3. Sound Intensity;
4. Diagnostics & Condition Monitoring;
5. Modal Analysis;
6. Material Characterization & Non-destructive Evaluation;
7. Statistical Energy Analysis;
8. Active Noise and Vibration Control;
9. Interaction of Fluid Motion and Sound;
10. Sound Radiation & Scattering;
11. Passive and Active Damping;
12. Finite Element Analysis;
13. Wavelets
You can find furter information on this section
from Wavelet Digest
14. Underwater Acoustics;
15. Architectural Acoustics;
16. Structural Acoustics and Vibration;
17. Human Response to Sound and Vibration.


The complete manuscript will be printed in the Congress Proceedings, and must be received no later than February 28, 1996. All written papers will be in English. The majority of lecture presentations will be in English. Keynote papers will have simultaneous translation into Russian and English, respectively.


Companies are invited to take part in the exhibition which will include instrumentation and electronics, acoustical apparatus and materials, sound and vibration isolation devices and software. Exhibition information and booth and table reservations are available from the Congress Secretariat.


St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, The organizing committee will run special excursions, for the Conference participants, allowing them to see as many world-renowned masterpieces of Art and Architecture as possible. Participants may visit the Hermitage with its numerous art treasures, the many marvelous palaces, cathedrals and parks or go to the theater, ballet, opera, or symphony concerts, etc.


The Congress registration fee is $350 US. The registration fee includes the book of proceedings and cultural events including a visit to the Hermitage. Additional cultural events will be arranged before and after the Congress. Please make checks payable in US dollars drawn on a US bank for the registration fee payable to Sound and Vibration Congress and mail to the Congress Secretariat.

Those desiring to participate in the Congress should fill out the reply form and send it back to the Organizing Committee



(Please return to the Congress Secretariat/USA)

Name: .................. Position: ..............
Address: ............... Telephone: .............
Fax: ................... E-mail: ................

I plan to attend the Congress
I would like further information
I intend to give a paper with the title of .....................
My company would like to exhibit a product at exhibition .......

Papers accepted for the Congress will require a written version in Book of Proceedings. Written papers following the typing instructions and not exceeding 8 finished pages should be submitted by February 28, 1996 to the Congress Secretariat.

For more information on the Congress please contact:

Malcolm J. Crocker, Programme Chairman
Fourth International Congress on Sound and Vibration
Mechanical Engineering Department,
201 Ross Hall, Auburn University,
Auburn, AL 36849-3501, USA
Phone: +1.334.8443310 (Direct)
Fax: +1.334.8443306