Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering

Laboratory of Methods and Systems of Automation

Vladimir V. Dubarenko

General Information

Affiliation and official address:

199178, St.Petersburg, Bolshoy pr. V.O., 61,
Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering Russian Academy of Sciences (IPME RAS)
Phone: + 8 - 812 - 321 47 68, e-mail: Vladimir.Dubarenko at


MSc Degree in Mechanics from the Leningrad Mechenical Institute (USSR) in February 1963
MSc Degree in Electromechanics from the Lenindrad Mechenical Institute (USSR) in June 1965
1963-1965 post graduate student, Lenindrad Mechenical Institute (USSR)
(Departament of the control of the flying machine)


Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) Degree in Radio electronics in the Research Institute of the Automation of the Production Processes (Rostov-on-Don, USSR) awarded in June 1972
Doctor of Science (Eng) Dr. Degree in System of automatic control by dynamic objects in the IPME RAS awarded in November 2000.
Prof. of automatic control and computer science in technical systems from the Faculty of State University Aerospace Instrument-making awarded in November 2002.

Permanent Employment:

Memberships and some awards:

Scientific Interests:

1. Control by dynamic objects with artificial intelligence.
2. Logic-probabilistic methods of complex systems research.

International collaboration:

Vice-chairmen of Organizing Committee on International Conference on Physical Metrology Problems ( FIZMET ), St.-Petersburg, Russia (1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002).
Secretary of Program Committee on International Conference on problems of Dynamic Objects Logic-Linguistic Control, St.-Petersburg, Russia (1997, 1999, 2001).

5 Selected publications:

  1. Monography:
    Software of intellectual systems Publishing company SPbSTU, 2000
    Control in conditions of uncertainty Publishing company SPbSTU, 2000
  2. Journals:
    The approximate solve of logic probability problems in water resources planning and management/ Journal of the Statistical, Ankara, Turkey, 1997
    A method of combinatorial calculation of complex logic functions probability /JCM and MF, RAS, volume 39, ? 7, 1999
    Algebraic approach to the decision of tasks of logic management./ A and ?, IPU, ? 2 2000
    Stochastic model of automatic support system of the Space objects on their radio-radiations// Questions of special radioelectronics. Engineering of radiation and reception of signals. A series XYI, Issue 2, (Rostov on Don), 1968
  3. Proceedings:
    Research of the variable moments of wind loadings working on the guidance system, as casual processes// Proceedings of Physical Institute of an Academy of sciences USSR (Moscow),?.47. Radioastronomical tools and supervision. "Nauka", 1969.
    System of optimum control by a radiotelescope. // A space radar astronomial conference. A space radar astronomial equipment. " Aerials and methods ", Armenian Academy of Sciences SSR. Institute of radiophysics and electronics, Erevan, 1982
    Synthesis of a control system by the radar with digital controller. // Proceedings of Irkutsk university. Irkutsk ,1986
  4. System of automatic guidance on a maximum of a radiosignal// patent ? 1108884 (USSR).
  5. Memberships in the state research projects (SRP) of Design Bureau of Special Mechanical: SRP 504-75-243 "Ecliptic". Development and research of perspective antenna systems of distant space communication complexes. 1975-1978.
    Fundamental SRP "Resonance" Development of problems of optimum control by high order dynamic objects. 1975-1981
    SRP 1001-8005 "Optimizations". Development and research of optimum methods and means creation of various assignment perspective precision antenna systems. 1982-1983
    SRP 538 "Ratmir" Research and development of constructive measures improvement of a radiotelescope ??-70 the characteristics accuracy. 1984-1986.
    SRP "Suffa " Analysis and development of construction and structure principles of a radio-telescope RT-70 precision guidance in mm microwave region 2001-2003.