Rev.Adv.Mater.Sci. (RAMS)
No 2, Vol. 30, 2012, pages 112-132


P. Kah


Metal industries producing thick sections have shown increasing interest in laser-arc hybrid welding processes because of their clear advantages compared with the individual processes of autogenous laser welding and arc welding. One major benefit of laser-arc hybrid welding is that compared to autogenous laser, welding joints with larger gaps can be welded with acceptable quality. The laser-arc hybrid welding process has good potential to extend the field of applications of laser technology, and provide significant improvements in weld quality and process efficiency in manufacturing applications. The objective of this review is to present a set-up for laser-arc hybrid welding processes and introduce a methodical comparison of the chosen parameters. The research describes the principles, means and applications of different types of laser-arc hybrid welding processes.

Based on a review of the current knowledge base, important areas for further research are also identified. The study uses quantitative and qualitative research methods which include in-depth, interpretive analyses of results from a number of research groups. In the interpretive analysis, the emphasis is placed on the relevance and usefulness of the investigative results drawn from other research publications.

The results of this study contribute to research on laser-arc hybrid welding by increasing understanding of how old and new perspectives on laser-arc hybrid welding are evidenced in industry. The research methodology applied permits continued exploration of how laser-arc hybrid welding and its various process factors influence the overall quality of the weld. The study provides a good foundation for future research, creates improved awareness of the laser-arc hybrid welding process, and assists the metal industry in maximizing welding productivity.

full paper (pdf, 1248 Kb)